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March 23, 2004
Air , Politics , Ponderances

On Democrats Questioning What Bush Knew Before 9/11:
"…what I want to say to my Democratic friends in the Congress is that they need to be very cautious not to seek political advantage by making incendiary suggestions, as were made by some today, that the White House had advance information that would have prevented the tragic attacks of 9/11. Such commentary is thoroughly irresponsible and totally unworthy of national leaders in a time of war." [Cheney Remarks, 5/16/02—aired on NBC Meet the Press, 5/19/02] [http://www.democrats.org/blog/display/00010527.html]

*ponders* I think this translates as: "No comment! And anyone who tries to make me comment will wish they were never born"

But you know, I could be wrong.


I'm NOT a conspiracy theorist. I'm really NOT. Rachel knows me pretty well and she will tell you that I rarely point a finger and say, "You wanted this, manipulated this, brought this to be!"

But frankly, 9/11 was hardly a shocker. Horrified as I might have been, I was not surprised. I can't help believing that if I felt something coming, surely our Commander-in-Chief had an inkling.

And even if no one did know the where and the when, even if there was only a suggestion of a possible foreign threat, even if the references to bin Laden's plan of attack on the West were only sprinkled throughout European publications (which Cheney referred to as 'less than credible'), were Bush's actions really forgivable? I would like to believe that in a country where a majority of people won't take a vacation because it might lead to losing their jobs, the man in charge would at least take his job seriously and do some WORK! Instead, despite the warnings that were made public in late July and throughout August, Bush took the entire month of August off.

WTF! Apparently Bush believed himself to be the President of France. Someone should flog some sense into him. With 'Freedom' Fries, perhaps?

Posted by: DM at March 23, 2004 12:39 PM

Nahh, Freedom Fries won't work. Flog him with McDonald's fries, the oil will seep into his pores and cause some damage.

Check out the picture for the lead article in the NYTimes today: http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/national/AP-Bush.html

If that's not a "whaaa? who me?!?" look, I don't know what is.

(Nice blog, btw)

Posted by: Tina at March 23, 2004 01:44 PM

Cheney is a scary, scary man. Oh and: He should take his own advice. Hasn't the current administration been slyly suggesting whenever they get the chance that Sept. 11th happened because Clinton was asleep at the wheel? *rants*

Posted by: contessa at March 24, 2004 05:28 PM

DM: I think you and I (and most other people prolly) were shocked and appauled that it actually happened. Its one of those things where we almost expect it to happen but figure we are just being silly and scared. And then it happens and we are right and its such and awful feeling. We didn't want to be right, we didn't want to not be surprised - but we weren't.

Tina: Can you still find that article. I didn't get to look till today and now that link points to an article published today. I didn't have much luck searching either. If you remember the headline or something and want to let me know that would be cool.

And also thanks, I'm glad you like my blog.

Contessa: Rant away! I love it. And I agree... its all about backstabbing and blaming the other guy. Its all very very sad.

Posted by: rachel at March 25, 2004 06:52 PM
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